Saturday, February 29, 2020

Black Market Activities And Corruption In Pakistan Politics Essay

Black Market Activities And Corruption In Pakistan Politics Essay The relationship of corruption and Governance is integrated from a long time back. In case of Pakistan, the root of the relationship runs back since the Independence Day. Corruption as an attribute in the system in the sub-continent, has affected the level of Governance to the extent of creating extremities of positive and negative. Governance which measures the effectiveness of institutions in a society has only been a theoretical concept in case of Pakistan. Several factors that lead to the level of corruption to reach where it is now are ignored conveniently and the direct effect is on the masses. A number of activities are performed below the radar in Pakistan and are reported to as the â€Å"black market activities†. They are referred so as because of their capability to deceive the purposeful boundaries of the system present, which holds them liable to the tax structure of the country. The case is not a new one for the world, let alone for Pakistan, and this is a common practice in the country. All these activities are concealed from the authorities with regard to the tax structure in Pakistan, and are thus reported as the under-ground economy in macro terms. This is a consequence of a complex tax system, frequent cash transactions in terms of construction, smuggling etc. and that of a negative public perception. Pakistan has experienced a relatively below par appreciation when it comes to the structure of the taxing system present, and the flexibility in it. Unemployment and recessionary trend also contribute towards a most common phenomenon as part of black activities known as â€Å"tax evasion†. This concept has given birth to corruption on a wide scale. Tax evasion is when one skips the underlying rules of the system and is not officially recorded in the tax net. Some sectors of the economy in Pakistan have been exempted from taxes right from the independence till date, and hence they are also recorded as the underground economy. The ot hers, who happen to be the industrialists in some cases, have taken refuge under the same exemption by reporting their income either as under the exempted sectors or by understatement altogether. This has given rise to corruption not only by these means, but also by persistently supporting and influencing the policy making process so that loop holes remain to be exploited. The theoretical side of this aspect has confirmed that the persistent non-compliance towards tax laws have allowed a major portion of the economy to remain below the radar so that they can skip the measurement as per the economy’s activities. The graph relates to the overall black economy as a percentage of GDP and then tax evasion as part of the GDP Source: Pakistan Institute of Development Economics, Islamabad (PIDE Research series) The increasing trend in the black market activities from as early as year 1974 till the start of the 21st century is in line with the theory and also points out towards the fa ct that in Pakistan, the complex and flawed policies to account for a major chunk of the economy have decreased on standards year by year. The tax evasion figures also shed light upon the loop holes of the tax policy

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Militarism and Perpetual Peace Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 5

Militarism and Perpetual Peace - Research Paper Example Militarism implies the allergic missions or many revolutions. It has the important and early manifestations of the life of most social orders. Class considerations would be necessary. Armament plays an important role in social struggles. Poor socio-economic status does not prevent a nation from securing arms. Economic evolution runs parallel with the development of arms (Liebeknecht, 2007). The expenditure on the making of the arms is growing higher due to the sophistication of weapons used. When the production of arms is universal, the manufacture of the guns has been accordingly changed. History has shown the significance in the power of the Greeks, Romans where the hierarchy was completely military. The influence of the external political situation on militarism was especially evident in the German Wars of Liberation (Liebeknecht, 2007). Militarism has been recognized as a significant factor in policy making since the nineteenth century (Meszaros, 2007). The evolution of modern imperialism was becoming evident on a global scale. The British and the French were having vast empires at that period of time and the United States were beginning invasions in Latin America. The Philippines was also involved in a liberations process assisted by the Americans. The First and the Second World Wars were caused by the ambitious Bismarck and Hitler who were running after more than what they could handle. The calamities were caused by the selfish intentions of two individuals and the techniques of using militarism for political solutions. What could have been solved by the deep-seated thinking without resorting to militarism was mishandled by the militaristic Viewpoints (Meszaros, 2007). The scale of issues became wide and the discussion was based on the militaristic power rather than the actual issues. There were horrific wars in the 12th century and the pattern continued into the form of the World Wars.  Ã‚  

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Web Literacy for Educators Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Web Literacy for Educators - Essay Example URLs provide us with the ways in which the site is organized. Extensions such as .org, .com, .edu, and country codes such as .mx for Mexico suggest that the website is owned either by the government or any private organization. However, keenness and critical thinking are needed in discerning the accuracy and validity of the site because anyone can choose and buy their own domain names. In addition, reading URLs also gives the researcher the ability to â€Å"truncate† (November 12). By truncating, the researcher can go back to the home page by deleting sub domains in the address bar for easier navigation. November explains the importance and ways of reading URL (12). URLs provide us with the ways in which the site is organized. Extensions such as .org, .com, .edu, and country codes such as .mx for Mexico suggest that the website is owned either by the government or any private organization. However, keenness and critical thinking are needed in discerning the accuracy and validi ty of the site because anyone can choose and buy their own domain names. In addition, reading URLs also gives the researcher the ability to â€Å"truncate† (November 12). By truncating, the researcher can go back to the home page by deleting sub domains in the address bar for easier navigation. Knowledge of the rules and Internet grammar is very important in advancing literacy among children in today’s generation because admittedly, the Internet has now become the modern library.